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Austin Ten-Four Handbook (1935 Litchfield)
The New Car
Periodical Attentions
The Fuel System
The Carburetter
The Sports Model
The Ignition System
The Cooling System

ON this and the following page is a handy summary of all the attentions described in this handbook. The attentions under the weekly and monthly headings are based on the assumption that the maximum mileage per week does not exceed 500. The occasional attentions should not be neglected if the car is to continue to run efficiently. For the first few hundred miles it is particularly important to see that all points receive plenty of lubricant, and to verify the various adjustments.


1. Examine the water level in the radiator and fill up within 2in. of the top.

2. Examine the oil level in the crankcase and replenish to the "full" mark on the dip stick. It is not true economy to merely "top up" the engine sump.

3. Give a charge with the grease gun to the following :-
Steering shaft—1.
Swivel axle—2 on each.
Steering cross tube—1 each end.
Steering side tube—1 each end.
Brake cables - 1 each.

4. Test the tyres for correct pressures and examine them for cuts.


1. Examine the battery, ignition leads, plug terminals and all electric cables.

2. There is an oil filling chamber at the side of the gearbox. When replenishing, remove the plug and fill until the oil is level with the bottom of the plug when the latter is replaced. Always fill when the car is standing on level ground.

3. Inject a gun-full of the special oil into the rear axle. The oil plug hole through which oil is injected is situated at the side of the rear axle and serves as an oil level indicator. Therefore do not replace the plug as long as superfluous oil drips out.

4. Fill the two front hub-caps with grease, only If required. If too much grease is used some will exude and cause trouble with the brakes. Hub-caps have right-hand threads.

5. Lubricate the ignition distributor according to the instructions on page 25.

6. Check the tension of the belt which drives the dynamo and fan.

7. Give a few drops of oil to the hand brake gear, foot brake and gear joints.

8. Remove the plug on the steering box and inject a charge of special oil.


Examine all bolts and nuts, such as road spring clips, cylinder head nuts, wheel nuts (these especially when the car is new), examine other parts such as steering connections and brake rods, neglect of which points might be followed by an expensive repair, and the inability to use the car for an extensive period. Occasionally clean the gauze of the petrol pump, and the oil reservoir gauze. Drain the gearbox and refill with fresh oil (2 pints). Flush the radiator through. Clean the Ignition distributor, and the contact breaker points (adjust the latter), the dynamo and starter commutators. Adjust the tappets, and the fan belt, decarbonize the engine and grind-in the valves. Check the alignment of the front wheels. For details of these attentions refer to the pages that follow.

D O N ' T!

Don't, please don't—
Leave the car in gear and with the handbrake off.
Make a fast run with the radiator muff down.
Fill the radiator with cold water when the engine is hot.
Be cruel to the starter if the engine will not fire.
Touch the starter switch while the car is in gear.
Put an excessive quantity of lubricant in the gear box.
Forget the ignition switch when starting up.
Leave the ignition switched on when the engine is not running.
Coast with the engine running and the clutch held out.
Run the engine in a closed garage. (The exhaust gases arc highly toxic and a very small amount in a restricted atmosphere will produce grave, if not fatal results).