Article Index
Austin Ten-Four Handbook (1935 Litchfield)
The New Car
Periodical Attentions
The Fuel System
The Carburetter
The Sports Model
The Ignition System
The Cooling System

THE cooling of the engine is maintained by thermo-syphon in conjunction with a fan-cooled radiator and controlled by a thermostat. The radiator should be filled, with rain-water if possible, to within 2in. of the top. Do not fill right up to the top with water ; as it will probably overflow owing to expansion, when the engine becomes hot.

The Thermostat.

The Smith R.P. Thermostat automatically controls the flow of water to the radiator and maintains a suitable temperature on the road. It also insures rapid warming up from cold. The thermostat is in operation, i.e. controlling engine temperature when the knob is set on the ON position indicated on the dial.

If necessary during extremely hot weather or when the car is used in a mountainous country, or ascending a succession of long, steep hills, the control may be placed out of action by turning the knob to the OFF position.

When refilling the radiator after it has been emptied, the knob must be in the OFF position or an air lock will be formed. It is not necessary to turn the knob to the OFF position when merely " topping up " the radiator with water.


IN WINTER an anti-freezing mixture should be added to the water in the radiator as, with the thermostat in the ON position there is no circulation through the radiator for some little while after the engine is started, and in very cold weather there is a danger that the water in the radiator may freeze and thus damage the radiator block. Vacuum Voco " Anti-Freeze," Smith's " Bluecol," Price's " Zero " and County Chemical " Stop it Freezing " are suitable.

If an anti-freeze mixture is not used and it is decided to run off the water, care should be taken to see that it is drained off completely, for, in case of freezing, it will do harm by lodging in small places and expanding as it freezes. In Great Britain the climate does not very often call for the cooling system to be drained, but it is well to err on the right side and take due precautions against damage if frost be threatened. The drain tap on the water inlet elbow drains both the
radiator and the cylinder block.

Belt Adjustment.

The efficiency of the cooling system depends to a noticeable degree on the fan. Keep the fan belt adjusted not too taut, but so that it will not slip. The adjustment is easily effected. Slacken the adjustment link locking nut on the front of the cylinder head. The Dynamo may now be raised or lowered on its hinge pin until the desired tension of the belt is obtained, when the adjustment link locking nut should be securely tightened again. When the belt is properly adjusted it should be possible to move it about an inch each way.

In Winter.

If an anti-freeze mixture is not used when running in frosty weather, it is well to make use of a radiator muff. The water should be drained from the radiator and circulating system when the car is to stand unused for any length of time. Sometimes by accident, the muff is left down, and the water becomes overheated and boils. It is dangerous then, to take off the filler cap, because steam will gush out and there is the risk of severe scalds to the face and hands. Therefore, pull up, stop the engine and wait a few minutes, till the water has a chance to cool down.

Causes of Overheating.

Overheating may be attributed to one or more Of the following causes :— Carbon deposit-see " Running Adjustments." Ignition wrongly set. Not enough, or poor grade oil—see " Engine Lubrication." Incorrect carburetter adjustments—see "The Carburetter." Failure of fan.
Failure of water to circulate, because of clogging or leaking of radiator tubes. Radiator honeycomb choked with mud and dust.

The Radiator.

The entire circulating system should be thoroughly flushed out occasionally. To do this, open the drain tap, and replenish the water at the radiator filler as it runs away, for a short time race the engine, then close the tap and fill up. Trouble arising from a damaged radiator generally necessitates its dismantling and dispatch to a repair depot.

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