THE FUEL SYSTEM THE supply of petrol to the carburetor is pumped from the tank at the rear. The pump operates automatically and delivers the petrol to the carburetor in the exact quantity demanded, neither more or less : an automatic mechanism accurately governs the operation.
The Petrol Pump
Fuel from the rear tank will
enter at (J) into sediment
(K) and through filter gauze
(L) and suction valve (N)
into pump
chamber (M). On the return
stroke, spring pressure (C)
diaphragm (A) upward forcing
fuel from chamber (M)
pressure valve (0) and
opening (P) into the
When the carburetter bowl is
filled the float in the
chamber will shut off the
inlet needle valve, thus
creating a pressure
in pump chamber (M). This
pressure will hold diaphragm
(A) Spring (S) is merely for the purpose of keeping rocker arm (D) in constant contact with eccentric (H) to eliminate noise. There are few moving parts in the pump apart from two automatic valves, two springs and a diaphragm, consequently, dismantling becomes an infrequent requirement. In the event of failure of any part, the replacement is easily obtained from any Austin dealer or any authorised service station of A.C. petrol pumps, who are prepared with parts and fixtures for repairing these pumps. There are some service operations which can, if necessary, be done without referring to the dealer or service station ; and these are as follow : LACK OF FUEL AT THE CARBURETTER.
Check and follow
instructions :— Filter Cover Loose.—Tighten the nut, making certain that the cork gasket lies flat in its seat and is not broken or unduly compressed.
Dirty Filter Screen.—Remove
the filter cover and clean
screen. Make certain that
the cork gasket is properly
seated when
re-assembling and that the
fibre washer is under the
head of the
screw. LEAKAGE OF FUEL AT THE DIAPHRAGM. Loose Cover Screws.—Tighten the cover screws alternately and securely. CAUTION : Do not dismantle the pump body. NOTE.—Sometimes there appears to be a leak at the diaphragm, whereas the leak actually exists at one of the pipe fittings and the fuel has run down the pump to the diaphragm flange, appearing to originate there.
CARBURETTER. IMPORTANT. Do not attempt to disassemble the fuel pump further than described above, because it is absolutely necessary to use a special fixture in re-assembling the pump when once taken apart. When the above remedies do not correct the condition, replace with a new fuel pump sending the old fuel pump to your nearest A.C. service station.